"You are a true inventor. That skill is a unique combination of how you  bring that patience in working with others and hearing there concerns,  wants and needs to how you don't let go of an idea just because it has some dead ends along the way of  ... you separate yourself by truly enjoying what you do and that comes out when an idea starts becoming a product."  

"You have the vision to see what others may not and then the leadership and skills to lead others to your vision."

- V.P. Engineering / Development


"You probably have more top selling products on juvenile market that any other design entity... Just like in sports, the stats don't lie and it is a benchmark of your success in the industry."

"You do an excellent job balancing the needs of the consumer, research, management, and the retailer and deliver not the expected but the UNEXPECTED! We always called it the 'black magic'"

- V.P. Marketing and President / Owner of infant products company


"You always knew how to get it done. What that means is producing consumer ready products under pretty tight time constraints. Al lot of designers/leads/etc talk a good game, but your ability to bring things to market over and over was pretty impressive."

- Engineer/ V.P. Business Unit


"You always found ways to inspire creativity and push the realm of what we were asked to design. "

"I also felt you always inspired us to be ahead of the curve, finding holes on the shelf, new technologies, and comparative products that were not directly related but their invention could be learned from and applied in a new way. This helped us to come up with the concepts before we were asked."

- Staff Designer


"You have a laser focus on creating with thought to every gesture, curve and texture. Your philosophy is that Every line, every detail, every visual and structural space has a reason for being."

"You are a combination of a sculptor, an engineer and a pit bull with OCD when if comes to figuring out how to get the product engineered and manufactured cost effectively, structurally smart, and stylistically ahead of the pack."

"You don’t have the word “can’t” in your vocabulary and are a bit of a savant when it comes to design, redesign, and repeat…. till it is right. I have witnessed you take a product that is near disaster on a Friday, to a gorgeous presentation piece on a Monday. It doesn’t occur to you that most would say that is impossible."

- Fashion Director